Adaptive Noise Generator~

Max8 & Max for Live Objects

Version 1.3.2 completed 11/22/20 in Baton Rouge, LA.


The Adaptive Noise Generator is an object to be used in Max8. the object, ANG~, has been tested on works on current Mac operating systems. At the time of posting the current version (1.3.2) works on Windows operating systems, but has not been tested since November 2020. If an operating system change has occurred that renders the object non-functional, please report this via the CONTACT page.

ANG~ is an object that takes incoming audio signal, and generates a constantly shifting background noise composed of frequencies present in the original signal. This allows the output signal to automatically adapt to the contents of the incoming sound. ANG~ will generate a total of 20 output frequencies based on the 20 most present frequencies in the original sound. However, the volume of these frequencies will be relative to their initial volume, creating a shifting timbre as well. These frequencies are then randomly shifted around the stereo field to create a slightly uneasy, mysterious effect (this can be bypassed or ignored via control messages or the mono outlet). ANG~ does shift each frequency by a few hertz before outputting the sound. This helps to reduce the chance of feedback in a live-processing setting, while still being largely unnoticeable by the audience.

In addition to being a Max8 object, ANG~ is also a Max for Live object that can be loaded into the DAW Ableton Live (or Max again with the [amxd~] object).

This patch was based off of a concept taught to me by Tina Tallon during my time at the Boston Conservatory at Berklee. This patch is my own interpretation of that effect based on how I used it in my MM thesis composition.


The Max project containing all necessary files can be downloaded for free here.

General Control Messages

For more information on control messages, see the included max help patch in the download above.

Below are some of the more common controls that can be affected by sending the following message and desired value into ANG~’s left inlet.

  • sgain: level of the stereo version effect gain

  • mgain: level of the mono version effect gain

  • togglebp: enables or disables the audio bypass outlet

  • postverb: applies reverb to the generated audio before sending to the outlets

These and other parameters can be controlled through the control messages or the graphic user interface.

A few screenshots of different parts of the object and help patch