This is a page for any software I have made for either a specific piece of music, for a class, as an experiment, or as a tool for content creation.
Available software patches can be downloaded for free via the links below.
4605457 and Counting: A piece generated in python and Max that takes COVID-19 data and uses it to generate the audio content and processing
AdaptiveNoiseGenerator~: A Max8 patch that takes incoming audio, determines the most prominent frequencies, and builds an adaptive background of filtered pink noise based on those frequencies.
Balance: A generative JavaScript sketch used to generate abstract collections of circles and save the images. with Max: This is a collection of patches designed to show off interactions with Anthony Marasco’s with Max functionality. Presented at NIME 2020 with Anthony Marasco and Nick Huang.
Break Out: the PD patch used for my piece, Break Out.
CNET: A collection of Max objects for use with the Cyberinet hardware.
Cognatism: the PD patch used for my piece, Cognatism.
Concrete Indefinite: the Ableton Live session used for the premiere of my piece, Concrete Indefinite.
Flangecho~: an basic effect combining a flanger, echo, and reverb for a unique timbre.
EtherialHarmonizer~: A Max8 patch that harmonizes an incoming signal with a unique, metallic timbre. The specific harmonies are randomized by default, but the effect remains constant.
Interactive Visual: An image generated in p5.js that displays different items based on where you click on it.
lazr~ : A max instrument that turns incoming audio signals into a sci-fi-esque lazer sound through amplitude modulation.
Movements: the electronic patch used for the premiere of my piece, Movements.
NameNotFound: a miniature composition existing entirely in Max8. See the ReadMe.txt for more information.
PercConvolver~: a Max8 that convolves 2 signals, bun only when one of them is loud enough to pass through a noise gate. Indented with the use of percussive sounds.
PGRMRNDM: a miniature composition existing completely in Max8. This patch uses randomly generated data to create sound.
RandomPan~: a Max8 patch that takes in a mono audio signal and randomly shifts it in the stereo field.
Skalr: A piece created in Max8 that perpetually generates scalar patterns in 4 voices using wonkyModes and randomPan~
TempoAdaptiveDelay~: a Max8 patch that delays an incoming sound signal. This patch analyzes the incoming sound and adapts to the performance tempo to keep the materials in sync.
Vincent Van Grow: An installation piece using a plant to generate sound content in real time.
WonkyModes: a max8 patch that takes in a MIDI value, and outputs a series of MIDI notes at an adjustable tempo. This patch has 70 different combinations outlining different scale patterns, but they aren’t designed to be perfect. If sent to a synthesizer, the patterns sound as if a beginner is learning the patterns.