
Fixed Media- Nintendo Gameboy

approx. 5-10 minutes in duration 

Completed Winter 2020 in Baton Rouge, LA.

GB_Sounds is a fixed media composition coded as a rom to be ran on a Nintendo Gameboy. The final product is available in three different formats:

  • Physical Gameboy cartridge

  • Digital Rom file

  • Recorded audio file

To purchase a physical cartridge, please reach out via the CONTACT page.

In writing this work, I began by hand writing the desired pitches, timbres, and durations for each note. I then used this Gameboy rom to determine the line of code needed to trigger the desired sound and timbre. It was these lines of code that I used when programming the final rom. Below are screenshots from this software.

This work is divided into 5 main sections:

  • Intro

  • Theme I: Gradually Building

  • Pause: Noise Break

  • Theme II: Groove

  • Outro

More information and screenshots coming soon!